Your trusted health insurance advisors

Frequently Asked Questions

Are eyeglasses and hearing aids covered?

Not usually. On selected plan, you will have to pay the up-front costs. You will then turn in your receipts and file a claim to your health insurance company to receive a partial reimbursement.

Can I stay with my current doctor when I start my Supplement?

Yes. Most plans have a provider network. Before signing up for a plan, you and your agent should check to make sure your doctor and clinic is in the network.

Do I sign up for Medicare if I have a plan at work?

If your company plan is considered Credible Coverage to Medicare, you do not have sign up for Medicare. Check with your Human Resource Department to see if your company plan is considered Credible to Medicare to avoid any penalties. Oftentimes the Medicare Supplement is less expensive than the company plan. Call us to advise you.

Does it cost money to meet with a health insurance agent?

No. It does not cost you any money for our services.

How do I know if I qualify for MNSure?

If your adjusted gross income is less than $23,543 for 2016, you may qualify for a MNSure subsidy. For couples or families, please contact us for further information.

What about international travel? Am I covered?

International travel coverage varies depending on which Supplemental plan you choose. Oftentimes you will pay for medical services in full and then be reimbursed for them. We can explain in detail more when we meet.

What companies does O’Keefe Insurance represent?

We represent the most popular companies we believe offer the best products in Minnesota.

What is Annual Open Enrollment (AEP)?

Annual Enrollment is annually from October 15 to December 7 for Medicare members. The AEP is the time of year to make changes to your Part C (Supplement) or Part D (prescription drug plan). * Depending on your health and prescriptions, we recommend you contact us about any changes to your health.

When do I apply for Medicare?

You should apply for your Part A and Part B 2-3 months before turning 65 years of age by contacting the Social Security Administration.

When is Open Enrollment for Individuals and Families?

Individuals and families may apply for health insurance from November 1 to January 31. * There are special circumstances for enrolling outside of the individual Open Enrollment period. Contact us about special enrollment periods.


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